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Sunday Morning—A Good Girl’s Requital

Dec 14, 2023

The School Mistress—A Strict Governess

Dec 15, 2023

Red Riding Hood—The Femdom Version

Dec 15, 2023

Recent releases

Delicious strict bondage. Simone finds herself a prisoner of her clothing… and the predicament turns her on.


Sophie’s account of life as a teenager discovering BDSM continues—two girls and a roll of duct tape...


Locked in steel, Adam handles everything that Cindy throws at him… and finds himself head over heels in love.


Hey, I'm

Sophie Graymont

welcome to my kinky world...

And a particular welcome to people like us living double lives – doctors, engineers and accountants by day, depraved sexual adventurers by night. 
And to people in long-term committed relationships who are also navigating the exciting terrain of bondage, power play, domination, submission and mastery

Fetish and BDSM, that's what turns us on.


Hey, I'm

Sophie Graymont

welcome to my kinky world

This website is dedicated to everyone and anyone with an interest in fetish and BDSM, especially those who live double lives – doctors, engineers and accountants by day, depraved sexual adventurers by night.
And perhaps particularly to those in long-term committed relationships who, like us, are navigating the exciting terrain of bondage, power play, domination, submission and mastery

Why we love BDSM

Read our exotic stories and ignite your forbidden desires

Read our exotic stories and ignite your forbidden desires

Reader Reviews

What peeps are saying

Finally!! Kink stories that I can relate to. Real people like me doing bondage. No blood-sucking demons. I really love the way Sophie reveals the characters and brings the action to life. Hot stuff, please keep it coming, I can't wait for the next American Girl story.

Jessica, San Diego

I'm not sure if this is written mainly for women, but as a slightly subbie guy reading this I was very turned on. Sophie quickly won my trust. There must be a lot of real-life experience behind this, it's the only way such beautiful detail is in every part of the story.

Michael, Birmingham

This series just gets better and better. I hope Grey's Chateau is a real place, I want to go there with my lover... as soon as I get me one of those, lol. But seriously, the writing is so vivid I feel like I've actually been there. It's like I can feel the chains in my hands and smell the leather.

Lauren, Sydney


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Non-Fiction Blogs


Promises, Promises (pt 1)—Trust and Mischief

The Joy of Kink—why we love BDSM

A Spanking Good Time—the bottom line


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Strictly adults only—you must be over 18

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Romance and rope burns.

There is somebody out there,
waiting to be found.

Meeting a soulmate is like being reborn, like having an injection of sexual vitality directly into the veins of arousal. In this wild ride we are thrown straight into the action. A nightclub. Thumping music. Dancing. And gentle bondage in the shadows. Everything is a game for these two new lovers. Seduction and conquest are wired into their souls. Who will win in the end?

Format: PDF

Pages: 48

Freedom Found—a new Xavier Bardine erotic BDSM poem to read...

Click here for today's kinky poetry fix