Freedom Foundā€”an erotic BDSM poem

The gentle glow of candle light
Reminds me of that autumn night;
The way you raised your silken vest
To place my hand upon your breast.
Somehow I knew your secret quest
To feel yourself more straightly dressed.
With sweet surrender you gave your waist
To stays so stern, so snugly laced;
Then smiled you at such shapely sight,
Giddy with glee in the flickering light.
How knew you that I knew your heart?
How knew I with hard knots to start?
I coiled and tied with panting haste
Till limbs in rope were well encased;
With leather bands to post I strapped:
So was the helpless damsel trapped.
I pulled your slender arms behind,
Your pretty wrists to lash and bind,
And you smiled upon your silent guest,
Whose lips to yours so soon were pressed;
Yielding to thirst to be so bound,
There purest joy within we found.
In bonds about you tightly wound
There was licentious freedom found.
Xavier Bardine
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